Most important Emacs commands

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Keep in mind that this page was created from a simple markdown-to-html ruby program called rdiscount

Moving around

We know how to move around character by character C-f and C-b - Words - M-b and M-f - Ctrl-left and Ctrl-right also work - Lines - C-a - beginning of line, C-e - end of line - Sentences - M-a and M-e - Paragraphs - M-{, M-} - In windows terms it's Alt-Shift-[ or Alt-Shift-]

Practical uses to learn

How to switch windows, cut/kill a line and yank to other window

C-o, then C-k to kill to end of line. Then C-o, M-> to buffer end, then C-y to yank it back.

Let's try it.

Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, results of the Get-Command cmdlet display a Version column by default. A new Version property has been added to the CommandInfo class.

`Get-Command` gets its data directly from the command code, unlike `Get-Help`, which gets its information from help topics.

It worked!

How to search for a word or regex

How to search in other file

May need grep or some other tool - open (find) a file into another window - C-x 4 f - shows dialog on bottom of screen - "" in read-only mode - C-x 4 r


When opening a file in a separate window, it is case sensitive. If you're unsure of whether the file is capitalized or not, you can use tab to show the directory contents. I believe there might be a way to turn case-sensitive off

How to navigate thru text with ease

Remember M-f(b) for words and M-a(e) for sentences. Page down using C-v and M-v - (Sometimes C-v is set to paste, check terminal for settings.) abbrs work, and most editors can do syntax highlighting for both the .md syntax and the html syntax. So you can use code or code

How to take .md file and convert to .html

There are a few cli tools that allow you to do this. For this demo I'm going to use rdiscount