The Boys on Amazon Prime is amazing! Next on my list is gonna be Hunters, the one with Al Pacino.
The Boys is getting quite perverted
Every damn episode introduces some perverted idea. And they changed it a lot from the original comic. Got some weird ass Nazi origins to it too. But the heros are pretty kickass, meaning The Boys themselves. Practically none of the "superheroes" are actually good. They're perverted versions of the standard superhero tropes.
Wow they do some stupid shit though, like sneaking around in the light instead of the dark.
The producer must like Billy Joel a lot because they play his songs all the time!
Ok so in this weird ass universe, they have the superheroes doing press work and
speeches and marketing campaigns like all the time. How do they have time to do all that when they’re supposed
to be saving the world or at least ** saving america**? I’m just wondering when the hell
they’re gonna start saving people.
There’s not a ton of actual combat in this show. It’s mainly just exposition.
I’m gonna use this document to point out all the conflicts and flaws present in this show
Then, I’m gonna output it into html by using StackEdit’s easy-to-use export feature. It doesn’t even require me to download as an html file, I can just copy it as html.