Demonstration of different elements

Hello, world!

This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.

It uses utility classes for typography and spacing to space content out within the larger container.

Example Button

What I’ve been working on

I’m currently studying for the OpenJS JSNSD and JSNAD certificates. Link here

The courses and certification tests are hosted thru The Linux Foundation

I am using WSL distros like Ubuntu and Debian with NodeJS installed using nvm. You can get nvm here.

My GitHub account is here.

Latest projects

I currently have my dotfiles saved to a private git repo which allows me to keep track of the changes I make to various configuration files (.bashrc, .zshrc, .infokey, .vimrc). This also allows me to port them into whichever distro or development environment I want.

Here is where I’m experimenting with all Powershell has to offer.

You can find more information about Microsoft’s Powershell here

I currently have version 7.1.0 of Powershell Core installed on my system.

I’ve been playing around with all the different shells available for the Linux environment, including zsh (The Z Shell), bash (GNU Bourne Again Shell), fish (Friendly Interactive Shell), and others.

For NodeJS, the preferred environment for development is thru Linux, and the preferred way to install is by using nvm as described above.

Learning the Linux file system

I’ve been having a blast learning how linux works under the hood. There are a ton of different commands and executables availalbe as well as shell scripting that makes automation a breeze!

Editors I’m experimenting with

Currently I’m using Emacs with the Evil (Extensible Vi Layer) package. This allows me to use the best of both Vim and Emacs in one program.

Comparing Emacs and Vim

The two most used editors in the Linux world are Emacs and Vim. Both have their pros and cons. This is why I like using Evil Emacs because it retains the finger-feel of Vim but the extensibility of Emacs.

This is a demonstration on how you can display code inside an html document. I used StackEdit to format the html

<div  class="card">

              <div  class="card-header"  role="tab"  id="section2HeaderId">

              <h5  class="mb-0">

              <a  data-toggle="collapse"  data-parent="#accordianId"  href="#section2ContentId"  aria-expanded="true"  aria-controls="section2ContentId">

              Or me!




              <div  id="section2ContentId"  class="collapse in"  role="tabpanel"  aria-labelledby="section2HeaderId">

              <div  class="card-body">

              Section 2 content




Section 2 content