Happy Summer!!

This is just to test out the Github pages platform without using a static site generator.

This is a very simple site that I have up temporarily while I experiment with different developer tools.

My top 4 repositories I'm currently developing in are: (some might be private)

Be aware this site is under constant development. It can and will change over time.

Here is another update directly from MSYS2's Emacs on my laptop. They say Vim is the best editor, even better than editors like Visual Studio Code. Vim has been around for a long time and is highly customizable. And so is Emacs.

Command-line working

Basically I'm practicing working in the command-line. There's a ton of information to consume, and it can be easy to fry your brain, but when I finally get something to work without anyone holding my hand, the feeling is great! And Vi/Emacs have a lot more options for moving thru text without using the mouse.

Here is the list of Linux-based environments I'm using and playing around with:

This site is built by hand

And by hand I mean by using HTML and CSS while also using Bootstrap, JQuery. These dependencies are delivered to the browser by way of CDN. With Bootstrap, you can add really great web components and put them together however you'd like.

As you can see, column 2 is a lot bigger than one and three

That's because the class is "col-8" and the other ones are col-4's.

Working on integrating with Jekyll and adding/creating custom themes for it or a different SSG, like Gatsby or Hugo.

Some goals for this site:

  • Integrate with an SSG. List of SSGs here.
  • Experiment with different layouts and themes using Themestrapp and/or other tools.
  • Learn Vim and/or Emacs
  • Learn how to incorporate one of the many Javascript Web Frameworks
Content can be styled by simply using Bootstrap CSS classes which integrate JQuery in producing certain effects like collapsing content, buttons that do different stuff, responsive nav bars, and all sorts of stuff like that.

I have been spending a lot of time learning about Yarn and NPM and other technologies and frameworks that make it easy for the developer to add great functionality and user experience to their site.
I have not currently been using any Javascript packages or dependencies in this site.

What have I been working on?

I'm currently writing about my experience as an aspiring web developer. I've written it all inside VSCodium into an HTML file using my webdev expertise to format it and make it look nice.

Using Bootstrap of course.

My latest venture has been into the world of Hugo SSG and using the golang compiler to build the site. Today I have also been experimenting with building sites using node.js frameworks like create-react-app and the bootstrap-npm-starter which you can find here

Also, react-webpack-starter didn't work for me, but of course there are tons of different packages to explore.

Sometimes I'll make the mistake of cloning the repository instead of using npm to install it. But then I found out that all I have to do is run the command npm install inside the directory and it will then install all the dependencies needed to run the development server and other things.

I will implement those technologies into this repository in due time. There are a ton of great packages of software out there that do a bunch of different things.

Right now, with this site, I just use the tools and packages available in my editor of choice.

Here is a screenshot of me using Chrome DevTools to inspect it.

Screenshot of my development of the essay/writing

Next I want to write about all the awesome extensions I use in VSCodium as a beginner developer. I have access to some great functions that allow for an easier development experience. Things like CSS Peek and HTML CSS Support add to the already feature-packed HTML/CSS extensions built into Visual Studio Code.

Also FYI for people who don't know, VSCodium is simply a build of the Open Source code without the weight of the Microsoft License attached to it. And I just like to support Open Source in general.